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Fight up with energy with energy bars

Nutrition is a fundamental pillar of your sports training. Before physical exercise, it makes you recharge the batteries. During the effort, it provides an adapted energy supply to support the workloads. And after sport, it helps your body to recover effectively, in particular thanks to a protein recharge. On the bicycle, the energy bar participates in your nutritional strategy. It brings the carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins necessary to maintain the intensity of your effort. The energy bars must be taken in addition to Energy gels and beverage.

Types of energy bars

Depending on the type of sports session you are faced with, your energy needs will change. You will have to personalize your diet to meet your necessities of the moment. For a long endurance type outing, the energy bars will bring you slower carbohydrates, proteins and even fat. Indeed, the physical effort being less sustained, they will be easier to chew and digest, without causing digestive discomfort during your session. It is better to test your supply to training, before practicing it in competition. For a more intense, fractional exertion, the energy bar brings carbohydrates more quickly assimilated by the body for instant energy. The texture evolves and helps you ingest the food more easily during effort. The different ranges offer you the possibility of respecting your diet: gluten, vegan or organic.

Which bar during the effort?

During the sporting effort, a regular contribution of carbohydrates should be provided. It is recommended to ingest a bar every 45 minutes to keep your energy stock at high level. Energy bars also provide a supply of vitamins and minerals. To vary the pleasures, you can diversify flavors and tastes. Sweet, salty, you can test different models to see what suits you best, especially during sport.

Proteins to recover after effort

As a sportsman, your nutritional strategy does not stop your sports session once. To recover as best as possible and take advantage of your physical exercise as much as possible, you should absorb suitable foods to get full of energy. Taken by the hour after your effort, the protein bar helps repair your muscle and redo your energy stock. During a snack, it ensures the maintenance of your muscle mass and meets your nutritional needs as a sportsman.