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The brake casserole adapted to your bike

When you practice cycling in a sufficiently frequent way, it often happens that your parts are damaged over time and need to be replaced. This is particularly the case with very stressed essential parts, such as the brake casserole for bicycle. On a vttou a road bike, the bike brake cover is an important spare part for the smooth running of your training! Find out more by reading this article.

The cocotte protector bicycle to ensure your braking

The casserole cover is a spare part of the bicycle which allows you to connect the brake on the handlebars. This is the part you activate when you want to order your bike or your mountain bike to brake. Present at the back as much as for the front brake, the bicycle casserole dish must be changed fairly regularly.

Indeed, it is a centerpiece for all training and cycling competitions. The reason is simple: the bike brake casserole brake cable, and makes it possible to transmit the braking order under optimal conditions. No risk of breaking or malfunction, thanks to the brake casserole.

Probikeshop, your safety above all with a new brake casserole

At Probikeshop, your safety is our ultimate priority. Whether you practice the bicycle for your leisure time or participate in sports competitions, it is essential that you choose the right spare parts for your bike.

It is to help you find the ideal bicycle brake cover, that we offer a wide range of casseroles. Depending on the brand and nature of your bike, you can find a perfectly suited casserole dish. Hitch safe!

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