Privacy policy

Privacy policy

This privacy policy (hereinafter the "Privacy Policy") explains how your personal data is collected and processed when you use the website (hereinafter the "Probikeshop" Site).

In particular, this document details:

  • The data controller
  • The data we process
  • Information we receive from third parties
  • The purposes for which we use your data
  • With whom we may share your data
  • Where data is processed
  • How long we keep your data
  • Your rights
  • Your rights concerning our newsletter and SMS messages
  • How to contact us

1. Who we are

PROBIKESHOP (hereinafter referred to as "we", "us", "our") is a limited liability company with a share capital of 350,000 euros, registered in the Lyon Trade and Companies Register under number 983 316 951with its registered office at 52 quai Rambaud 69002 Lyon 2EME, is responsible for processing the data collected when using the Site.

2. What data do we collect?

When using the Site, some of the information you may be asked to provide is mandatory. The compulsory nature of the data collected is indicated by an asterisk or other sign; other data is optional.

Failure to provide mandatory information will result in the impossibility of accessing the Site's services.

2.1 Placing orders

    To make a purchase, you will be asked for your payment details and postal address.

    Following your purchases, we may process information relating to the follow-up of the commercial relationship: transaction number, products purchased, services or subscriptions subscribed to, services ordered and invoiced, quantity, amount, frequency, date and amount of the order and invoice, invoice due date, delivery terms, purchase and service history. In the context of conversations with our customer service department, we may record the conversation with our advisors. We may also collect your opinions on products and services.

    2.2 Contact form

    You can send us general inquiries via the contact form. In this form, we ask for your name, a valid e-mail address and the subject and content of your question.

    We need this information to respond to your inquiry.

    If you wish, you can also provide us with an order number or your telephone number.

    2.3 Newsletter and SMS

    While you are placing your order, you can subscribe to our email and/or SMS mailing list to receive exclusive offers, special offers and tips by subscribing to our mailing list either when you create your customer account. You can also register by sending us your e-mail address using the registration form available at the foot of the page throughout the site.

    3. What information do we receive from third parties?

    Social networks : when you interact with us or our content via social networks, or when you use a social network feature integrated into the Site, we receive information from your interaction with that content (for example, information you have agreed to share, basic profile information or content viewed and information about advertisements shown to you or clicked on). By interacting with our social networks, you consent to our use of data from these networks in accordance with this Privacy Policy. To learn more about how your information from a third-party social network is obtained by Probikeshop, or to opt-out of the sharing of such information, we invite you to visit the site of the relevant third-party social network.

    4. What do we use your data for?

    Purpose Legal basis
    Management of product or service orders, claims management, after-sales service and guarantees The need to perform the contract concluded with you
    Use of your account The need to perform the contract entered into with you.
    Accounting, tax and banking management: issuing invoices, collection and accounting. To meet our legal obligations
    Fraud prevention Our legitimate interest
    To manage, direct and respond to your requests for information. Our legitimate interest in answering your questions
    To send you offers and special offers by e-mail and/or SMS. Your consent
    To carry out statistical studies and market research based on segments. Our legitimate interest in getting to know you better and improving our services
    Integration of video content Legitimate interest in making the content of our site attractive
    Enable you to post reviews on the site or ask questions about the product Legitimate interest in informing users about the features of our products and services
    Recording of conversations for the purposes of improving customer service and training our staff, during telephone contacts with our customer service department Our legitimate interest in improving services and training staff
    Combating cycle theft (see information in box below) The need to comply with our legal obligations
    We use the information we collect to identify, investigate and prevent activities which may breach our terms and conditions, or which may more generally be unlawful; to comply with legal requirements; and to protect our rights and the rights and safety of third parties. The need to comply with our legal obligations as well as our legitimate interest in ensuring the defense of our interests.

    5. To which categories of recipients are data communicated?

    Your personal data is communicated to the following persons, departments and organizations, each in its own right:

    • authorized sales, accounting, marketing and IT personnel;
    • the Probikeshop company, in particular to ensure the dispatch of goods and the administrative management of the business.
    • Rebloch'log for logistics activities.
    • service providers and subcontractors appointed by Probikeshop to assist in the management of its business:
      • the Site (hosting, video integration)
      • its commercial activities (emailing, collection of reviews, customer relationship management, payment, shipment of goods (delivery/parcel relay)). Please note that some payment partners (Oney) collect your personal data directly.
      • for its day-to-day activities (chartered accountants, consultants).
    • to the acquirer of our company in the event of an acquisition or change of control;

    Personal data may be disclosed to a third party if Probikeshop is required to do so by law, regulation or court order, or if such disclosure is necessary in connection with an investigation or proceeding, whether in France or abroad, or is necessary to collect overdue payments, investigate, prevent or take action regarding illegal activities or suspected fraud.

    6. Where is your personal data processed?

    Your data is hosted within the European Union.

    However, some of our service providers process your data in the United States, where data protection and privacy regulations do not offer the same level of protection as in other parts of the world, such as the European Union. When data is transferred outside the European Economic Area to a country that does not benefit from an adequacy decision from the European Commission, your data is adequately protected by standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission or by any other mechanism recognized by the applicable legislation. A copy of the transfer mechanism can be provided on request.

    7. How long do we keep your data?

    Data required for the performance of a contract is kept for the duration of the contractual relationship. It is then kept for interim storage, in order to meet our various legal obligations, in particular accounting and tax obligations, as well as to retain any useful evidence in the event of litigation, within the limits of the various prescription periods applicable according to the purposes described above.

    Data relating to your account on the Site (identity, electronic contact details) will be kept until your account is deleted by writing to us at, or for a period of two years in the event of inactivity, after informing you.

    Transaction management data is kept in archive form for a period of 5 years, for purposes of proof.

    Documents and accounting records are kept for 10 years, as proof of accounting.

    Data collected via the contact form is deleted once your inquiry has been processed, unless we are obliged to keep it for a longer period by law. They will then be archived for proof purposes for 5 years.

    Personal data used for commercial canvassing purposes is kept, for customers, for a period of 3 years from the end of the contractual relationship or, for prospects, for a period of three years from their collection or last contact with the prospect unless you object.

    Recordings of conversations with our customer service department are destroyed 1 month after the call.

    We also record your objection to receiving commercial solicitations for 3 years, so that we can respect your request in the future.

    8. What are your rights regarding your personal data?

    Right of access

    You can ask us to access all or part of your personal data and to find out the conditions under which they are processed.

    Right of rectification

    You can ask us to rectify any inaccurate or out-of-date data.

    Right to erasure

    You may ask us to delete all or part of your data, in particular when the data is no longer required for the purposes for which it was collected.

    Right to object

    You may object at any time to the processing of your data for the purposes of our legitimate interests. We draw your attention to the fact that, despite your request, we may continue to process your data if there are legitimate or compelling grounds for doing so, or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims.

    Right to limitation

    You may request that your data be processed on a limited basis (no further processing is possible except for storage) in the following cases:

    • for the period of time required to verify the accuracy of your Data following a challenge to its accuracy on your part
    • if you consider that the processing is unlawful and request that the use of the data be limited instead of erased
    • we no longer need to process your data, but you still require it to establish, exercise or defend your rights
    • you have objected to the processing of your data and wish to restrict its use while we verify whether the legitimate reasons we are pursuing justify continued processing.

    Right to portability

    • You may request (i) to receive your data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, (ii) to have your data exported to a third party where you have consented to the collection of your data or where your data has been collected in the performance of a contract. This is not the case here.

    Right to withdraw consent

    Where processing is based on consent, this can be withdrawn at any time.

    The right to specify what happens to your data after your death

    You have the right to give us instructions on what to do with your data after your death.

    To exercise your rights, please contact us at, giving us your full name, e-mail address and postal address.

    You also have the right to lodge a complaint with the relevant personal data protection authority, in France the CNIL.


      Unsubscribe to newsletter and SMS

      You can opt out of receiving our newsletter at any time by using the unsubscribe link in each message or by logging into your customer area. You can also inform us of your wish to unsubscribe by e-mail at

      To opt out of receiving SMS messages, simply send us the word "STOP" in response to one of our messages.

      9. how to contact us

      If you have any comments or questions about this document, please write to our Data Protection Officer at the following address:

      10. modification of the privacy policy

      We may revise or supplement this Privacy Policy, in particular to take account of new purposes or changes in legislation. Such changes will be effective as of their publication. We will inform you of any changes made by means of a notification message posted on the Site or by any other means of communication. We encourage you to periodically check and re-read this Policy to ensure that you are aware of its latest version.