GT Bicycles

When his son needed a bike to ride the South Carolina racetracks, Gary Turner made it himself! The year was 1972, and it was his first BMX, the first of many.
Indeed, Turner would continue to create bikes, until he founded GT Bicycles in 1979. Within a short space of time, the brand's innovative, reliable frames became a fixture on the BMX scene, and even a cult item.

In 1986, Gary Turner turned the corner on mountain bikes by signing a legend: Hans Rey! Shortly afterwards, GT mountain bikes appeared on the scene to great acclaim, particularly those equipped with the now-famous 'Triple Triangle'. Big names like Nicolas Vouilloz, six-time World Downhill Champion, and Julianna Furtado, World Cross Country Champion, joined forces with the growing brand to make a name for itself.

Since then, whatever the discipline, the company has always maintained a close link between research, the pro world and production models.
Often, athletes' frames are then offered in a mass-market version.

It's with the same determination that GT Bicycles is developing its road bikes today, without abandoning what is its strength: innovation.

Armed with its determination to innovate, GT continues to move the world of bicycles forward, and Probikeshop wants nothing less than to offer you such a brand!

GT BICYCLES is one of the leading BMX brands, with a hyperactive research cell. In fact, it's one of the few to develop a carbon bike!
I'm currently riding the Speed Series XXXL, which is an excellent frame, very stiff, and I love its design. When I started riding it, it was a pro model, but now everyone can afford it, and that's GT's great strength!