59 products

E.Thirteen - Specialist in chain guides

E.Thirteen is a brand specializing in mountain bike components. This small company was created by riders in 2001 in the United States, at a time or the market of chain guides was only in its infancy. Born in Bolton, the brand which quickly established itself as one of the market leaders thanks to very efficient products, moves toominster to increase its production capacity and get closer to an ideal playground to go and test its products. E.Thirteen has based its success on innovation as well as the quality, design and functionality of its products.

E.Thirteen-The brand of pro-riders

E.Thirteen has been offering since its inception, one of the most popular anti-dérament systems by pro-Riders to equip their bikes during major international competitions. Thus in just more 10 years, E.Thirteen is positioned as one of the most represented brands on podiums of World Cup sleeves and World Championships.