7 products

No-Flats-The passion for mountain biking

No-flow is a brand specialist in liquids anti-crusons For Tubeless or Air chamber. The Joe’s No-Flats adventure begins when Joe, who makes Mountain biking Since the beginnings of this new discipline, has started to make long distances in the desert and mountainous regions of the American Southwest. Joe who is then victim every day multiple punctures, says that there is something to do to avoid this. Transporting all the time with him, a pump, air chambers and spare tires is not the appropriate solution, you have to find a way to instantly solve this puncture problem!

No-Flats-Anti-Creation specialist

After a few years of research and tests on the Joe field arrives with the solutions: the Joe's Super Sealant (to instantly plug the holes caused by punctures with a latex -based liquid) and the Joe's Tubeless System (to easily pass A classic wheel with a tubeless wheel). The Joe’s No-Flats brand is then created and has since engaged in a time trial to make ever more effective products that will always delight cycling lovers. Today you will find on products from No Flats technology, which will allow you to drive for a long time and without hassle.

No-Flats-The Pro-Riders brand

No-Flats teams many professional teams and runners. In the American brand, we know that laboratory tests are not enough and that the products must be tested under the most extreme conditions to validate their efficiency before offering them to all enthusiasts on On the side of professionals, we know that the slightest puncture can have terrible consequences on the ranking, which is why we call on the No Flats products which are among the best on the market against puncture.