How to choose road bike tubular tires?

How to choose road bike tubular tires?

Typical mounting tubular is the ancestor of the bicycle tire. Although not as easy to install as a clincher system, it is still the lightest and most efficient, making it the ideal solution for racing. The choice of tire has a direct impact on your bike's performance and comfort, so here's how to find your way around.


  • Wheel size: 700 or 650
  • Maximum tubular width allowed by your frame.fork/wheel

Hose types

Apart from the technologies and options that vary from brand to brand, there are two characteristics that influence choice: the casing and the width of the hose

The carcass of the casing is composed of a braid of yarns, generally nylon. Yarn density is expressed in TPI. The higher the value a the softer, more comfortable and generally lighter the hose. The average value is around 220 TPI.

Finally, there are several widths a widths for the same model. Until now, 23 was the reference size. Thinner models were said to roll better, while wider ones were said to be more comfortable. However, the latest generations of rims and tubulars have changed all that, and it's now the 25 that offers the best weight/performance/comfort ratio.

Which tubular for my riding?

Generally speaking, the gut is recommended for competition use.

Unless you're looking for uncompromising performance, we recommend that you select a model with puncture protection, or at least a more durable version.

If you're looking for a tubular for wet conditions, there are a few that are perfectly suited. Keep in mind, however, that on dry roads they generally wear out quickly and offer less performance.

In any case, make sure you select a tubular that is wide enough for your rim and that will fit through your frame.

    ROUTE - Hoses